2012 KPFA endorsements
For those who are members of the community radio station KPFA, the SF Green Party has endorsed the United for Community Radio slate of candidates in the Local Station Board elections.
Your ballot is due in New York by December 11. It will be competing with holiday mail traffic to get there, so please send it now.
The UCR slate includes:
SF Green Party member (and former County Council member) Ramsés Téon Nichols.
East Bay Green Party members Larry Shoup, Samsarah Morgan, and Kate Tanaka.
Our full list of endorsed candidates includes:
Andrea Pritchett - Incumbent board member, community activist, teacher, Copwatch founder
Beth Seligman - JD, vegetarian occupier, permaculturist and writer
David Roach - Founder of Oakland International Film Festival and Mo Betta Foods
David Welsh - Labor organizer, delegate SF Labor Council, Haiti Action Committee, Occupy Oakland occupier
Karen Pickett - Environmental and community activist, writer and editor
Kate Tanaka - Incumbent board member, community activist, Green Party stalwart
Laurence Shoup- Author “Rulers and Rebels” & other books, Green Party stalwart, Longtime community and people’s movement activist
Oriana Saportas - Community & Labor activist, former KPFA Local Election Supervisor
Ramsés Téon Nichols - Organizing Committee Chair of Local SEIU 1021 and member of SF Green Party
Samsarah Morgan - Oakland Green Party, Occupy Oakland Activist, writer on birth health and family
Staff Candidates
David Landau - Co-host “Weekend News”
Joy Moore - Apprenticeship Program instructor, phone room supervisor
Frank Sterling- Board Operator, Apprenticeship Program instructor