The San Francisco Green Party needs donations for mailings, signs, buttons, and many other things which we need to build our party and wage effective political campaigns.
We are especially interested in building up our base of "sustaining members," those who agree to contribute a certain amount each month - usually by credit card. By becoming a sustaining member you save us money and time that would be spent raising money, so that we can devote the vast majority of resources to our political work. It is a method of donation that is perfect for a grassroots organization like the Green Party as it allows us to thrive off of many, many small and medium size donations instead of depending on a few large donors.
Click here to donate securely online, through our payment processor,
We switched from our previous payment processor in November 2024 due to their flakiness. Note that Zeffy asks for a "tip" instead of the usual 2-5% payment processing fee, but this can be set to zero so that your entire contribution goes to the Green Party.
For questions about the sustaining member program or to cancel your sustainer agreement contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
To make a one-time donation by mail please send a check made out to :
San Francisco Green Party
c/o David Fairley
25 Fair Oaks St
San Francisco, CA 94110